What is FruityCams ?

FruityCams is an adult webcam website that brings together women, men, couples and trannies in chat rooms. You can use FruityCams to chat and share hot moments with strangers or just watch naked men and women performing sexual acts.

Are the webcams broadcasting live ?

Yes, all webcams on FruityCams are live and broadcasting in real time.

Who are the cam models ?

Cam models, camboys or camgirls also called are people transmitting to the 4 corners of the world. The webcam models have for reason to entertain you and to make you spend good moments. Don’t hesitate to interact with them, they love company. Don’t be shy, chat with them and rock their sex toys, you won’t be disappointed.

How to chat with them ?

There are three ways to chat with the models. The first way is to use the public chat to communicate. In this way, the model but also other users present in the chat room will be able to see your messages. For more privacy and discretion, it is possible to chat in private with the model. By purchasing some tokens, this possibility will be opened to you. The third and most interactive way is to make a cam to cam in private. You will be able to see each other and talk to each other by chat or by voice.

Are the models paid ?

Yes, each model is paid according to each tip they receive. If you like their show, feel free to thank them by sending a tip.

Can I become a model and earn money ?

Yes, anyone who is of age and willing can become a model and earn money. Some models also earn a lot of money this way. If you want to know more, we have dedicated a page explaining how to become a webcam model.

Can I watch live sex cams for free ?

Yes, our adult cam chat model is based on a freemium service. This means that you will have access to most of the sex shows. All public shows are viewable for free and while some prefer to reach orgasm in private, many perform in public until the end of their show. However, to access some of the more advanced features such as controlling the model’s sextoy, you will need to purchase tokens.

What is a private show ?

A private show is a private moment between a model and a user. The main advantage for the user is that the model can devote himself entirely to him and satisfy his requests. To enjoy this special moment, you will have to buy some tokens, depending on the duration of the show.

Can I record the shows ?

Some models allow recording of their private and public shows. Thus, during public shows, if the model allows recording, a “REC” button will be displayed. Based on a payment by tokens per duration, the recording will end as soon as you want, or when your tokens expire. The registration will then be visible at any time in your account interface.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to answer you.

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